Friday, January 31, 2014

By Alfresco Share 4.0 you can easily map your e-mail client like Thunderbird. Thus every time you want to forward a specific mail or document to a specific folder or site ex: Document folder. You just need to ensure that your Alfresco Share is mapped with your email client . Just create an email alias for your site or folder ex. document and every time you receive a mail related to document just shoot a mail to This will help you in segregating the information whereas ensuring that no information is lost.

Server Side configuration settings:

In the location on the server wherever the stack is installed set the properties as mentioned in the example below:
Drive Name : ...\tomcat\shared\classes\ 


# Alfresco Email Service and Email Server


# Email Server properties


Now open ThunderBird on your machine

Select >Tools > Account Settings and then click on Add Mail Account:


Put you name whatever you want to display, Email address same as the email that you added in "Email Contributor" and put the same password from which you login in Alfresco Share.

Then click on "Manual config" for do manual configuration :


Set Username and Password same as from which you login in Alfresco Share  and added in "Email Contributor".
Put Incoming server > IMAP > localhost > 143
Outgoing Server > SMTP > localhost > 25
Then click Create Account to create the account.

All the above configuration is in Thunderbird.
  • Now Login to Alfresco Share and go to Admin Console
  • Click on Manage System Users and  Create User
  • Then fill the new user detail wizard
  • Just finish the wizard by clicking on Finish button
  • Go to company home and create one space. Name it as you like; here I am creating the space with the name Thunderbird.
  • Click on Thunderbird — > view details –> manage space users –> add user.
  • Search for the user abc and add that user as contributor or whatever that you want but make sure about permissions.
  • Go to Thunderbird space and click on run action. It will open run action wizard
  • select add aspect and click on set values and add, select Email Alias, then click on next and finish that wizard.
  • Next edit this space property. And create Email Alias as some thunder
  • Go to Admin Console and then Click on Manage User Group
  • Within User group you will find EMAIL_CONTRIBUTORS group
  • In EMAIL_CONTRIBUTORS group click on More Actions and Add user abc
If the DNS doesn’t having record of your IP address w.r.t. domain name then follow these steps on client as well as server side:
Note: You can confirm it by executing the following command “nslookup server-domain-name” on command prompt. If it is giving timeout exception then strictly follow below steps.
  1. Go to  C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc > hosts file
  2. Add server name. for example a domain like can be added as follows
    server ip                      domain name
Where server ip is the ip address of the server and domain name will be like
Thus once you are done with above mentioned steps you can start sending mail to a specific mail id in your alfresco repository.